If you are a business owner in the Latino community and you need help with your business bookkeeping, then look no further than Killingsworth Spencer CPAs. My name is Geirson Bejarano, and I am a Senior Staff Accountant with Killingsworth Spencer.  I take calls every week from frustrated business owners because they do not understand what their financials mean. Some are making money, but they don’t know it. Others are losing money when they believe they are making a lot of it. Sometimes we get a referral from a banker who tells us their client could qualify for a business loan if the books were in order. We have an excellent bookkeeping department, and I am here to help with any translation issues if needed.

I work on your taxes and getting everything filed on time, but I can only do my best work for a client when his or her books and records or in order. Think for a moment about your own business and how you and your staff work with clients or customers. Doesn’t the job go much easier when everyone understands what the expectations are and the time frame for completion?

Why not delegate critical financial tasks to Professionals who do them every day? At Killingsworth Spencer CPAs, we are dedicated to “helping clients understand the choices that matter.” ™

Why not give me a call at 770-552-8286 today to see how Killingsworth Spencer CPAs can help you and your business make more money each month.