MARCH MADNESS is a significant understatement this year, both if you are following the NCAA basketball tournament and the updates to the IRS tax code.

Lynn Spencer here, and I am a Villanova fan (Go Wildcats!). I’ve watched Oral Roberts shock braketologists, Ohio State, and Florida fans alike, kind of like watching Congress pass more tax changes in the darkness of night, making CPAs and tax software companies throw their hands up.

VCU canceled due to COVID. April 15th deadline moved to May 17th.

Gonzaga and Baylor are like the first quarterly estimates, which are unmovable (estimates are still due April 15th).

Big 10 teams are getting a whooping. More Acts are getting passed, with the latest being the American Rescue Plan.

Whether one is an Illinois or a Michigan fan, I’m guessing that all of us are rooting for “the taxpayer!”

Killingsworth Spencer can’t predict who will be in the Final Four this year, but we can say with certainty that you will be well taken care of as one of our valued clients.