Welcome Geirson Bejarno


Hola. Geirson Bejarano here with Killingsworth Spencer, CPAs in Roswell. If you have a tax problem with the IRS or the GA Department of Revenue, give me a call. I am fluent in both Spanish and English, and I have a team of experts ready to help you get your life back on track. Many times, we see that what the IRS, and or the state, says you owe them is more than the actual amount. Let us help take the heavy burden of what will happen next so you can get on with your life. We help clients every day [...]

Welcome Geirson Bejarno2021-07-07T19:36:32+00:00

There are No Magic Bullets!


If you owe back taxes to the IRS or the state, there is little doubt that you may feel anxious and vulnerable. If you have not filed your taxes for several years, you also know that the day will soon come when “Shylock comes for his pound of flesh.” If you received a Notice of Tax(es) Due from the IRS and it was a complete surprise to you then you are probably saying to yourself, “What?” and you quickly call or text your tax preparer for an explanation. Either way, the IRS and or the state DOR have you in their [...]

There are No Magic Bullets!2021-01-10T21:59:02+00:00

The Tax Man and COVID-19


We have a few key tips and ideas if you owe back taxes to the IRS and or the state. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted nearly everyone and everything around the world in 2020; the IRS and the GA Department of Revenue were not immune to the fallout. If you happened to mail a check to the IRS or the state to pay a tax debt early in the spring, you probably saw it leave your bank account sometime this past summer. The IRS has stated in a recent communication that it estimates it has nearly 2.5 million hard copy tax [...]

The Tax Man and COVID-192020-12-15T14:25:58+00:00

IRS – Problem Resolution


Hopefully, you will never find yourself in the crosshairs of the IRS and its Collections and Enforcement Division. Hello, Judy Bernhard, CPA and Mason Hardin, EA here again from Killingsworth Spencer in Roswell. Today we want to provide a quick explanation as to how we help our clients solve their IRS tax debt issues. If you, a family member, or a close friend find themselves with an IRS or state of GA tax debt problem they cannot solve, do not panic! The IRS will ALWAYS state the maximum amount owed for two reasons – one to get your undivided attention, and [...]

IRS – Problem Resolution2020-02-24T22:16:19+00:00
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